Friday 18 November 2011


friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine


The concept of friendship is one of the most important notions in all societies. friendship is supposed to be an interpersonal relationship that is considered to be more than just a simple passing association, there can be degrees of both friendships and associations. Some friends you simply value more than others. Research into the study of friends and friendship used to involve a variety of fields including sociology, psychology, and philosophy where social theories and relationship attachments were examined. However, today the Internet has the most potential for meeting people, making friends and examining the value of your friendships.People tend to value friends who have sympathy and empathy, and desire what is best for the other person in an honest and truthful manner. This builds trust and the enjoyment of each others company with mutual understanding and compassion. The ability to express yourself online without fear of judgment requires honesty, trust, sympathy, respect and helpfulness in a friendship.


​Everyone needs friends! Maybe you just moved to a new town, or decided to take a new direction in life, and you need some friends! How do you make them? Certainly not by sitting at home by yourself! The key is putting yourself in social situations. Use these tips to get out there and make friends!
Join a sports team!  There is no need for extreme athleticism here, there are tons of low key, casual teams in every city!  Join a softball, soccer, tennis, football, or even chess team! Whatever you prefer, you will meet other individuals with similar interests as you… which is the first key to making friends!
Join a club! There are many different programs with a focus on a variety of different interests. Again, this is a great way to meet people who are into doing the same things as you are! Whether your potential organization is animal, social, religious, or business based, you will be surrounded with people who are just as interested in meeting you as you are them!
Volunteer! What better way to meet quality people than to give your time with other people who enjoy bettering the community as well!  You will meet people of all ages, and diversity in your friends is important. People who volunteer tend to be sweet and caring people, which are essential qualities in a friend. 
Once you have put yourself in these social situations, there are a few key things to remember.  Make eye contact and smile. No one wants to approach you, or for that matter, be approached by someone with an unfriendly look upon their face! When you introduce yourself, and someone does the same, remember their name! No one responds better to their own name being called, and you will be perceived as a thoughtful, intelligent person.   Make small talk! People will appreciate your willingness to interact.  Initiate getting together! That is when your true friendship will start to blossom! 


There is often a fine line between being friends, friends with benefits, and dating. One is often synonymous with the other.  It is very common for people to move linearly through being friends, to friends with benefits, and eventually to dating.
So how do you determine the stage that you and your “special friend” are at? There are many key factors to examine. There are often discrepancies depending on gender.  Females tend to move more quickly through the linear dating line than males.  Carefully inspect the following criteria to determine which stage you are in.
Friendship is something we all know and value. It is someone you enjoy hanging out with (yes, sober too) and have no intense romantic feelings towards.  You do not have sex with your friends. If you are having sex with your “friend” you have moved on to the next stage in the relationship game.
A friend with benefits is someone, with no strings attached, you have sex with. No dinners, no flowers.  It is described as mutually beneficial, and often the result of closing time at a bar.  Careful rules should be set and agreed upon by both parties.  Both parties need to be completely turned off by the thought of a boyfriend or girlfriend. If one person develops feelings for the other, which is often the case, it needs to be addressed. But until then, enjoy the ride!
Dating is often the result of a relationship starting out as two friends that eventually move to the “benefit” part.   However, you have not yet reaching the dating stage, no matter how serious things seem to have gotten, without the timeless “boyfriend/girlfriend” conversation.  Once you realize you have feelings for a person, and you are physically attracted to them along with their personality, then why not start dating?
So what point are you at? Do you want more from your current liaison?   The key to each of these relationships is communication, so talk to your partner about where they feel you both are at as well.  Who knows, maybe your friend with benefits wants more… Maybe your friend doesn’t see you as just a friend?  Either way, make a clear connection to what you and your “friend” really are!

Here is what you need to do...

​Every once in a while a conflict arises with one of your friends. It is totally normal, and can be easily fixed with these simple conflict management tools! Whether it is just a little fight, or an issue that can result in life changing results, read these tips to better deal with your friends! 
What do you do when you feel drained from putting in all the effort into your friendship? This is a common problem amongst friends, and can easily result in the dissolution of your friendship.  The key here is communication. By expressing your feelings to your friend, he or she is put in the position of action. They will either realize their wrong doing and make an attempt to fix the problem, or they are not in fact a real friend. When approaching this situation, it is important to use the proper wording. Approach the conversation with, “I feel like” instead of  “You are…” This will be better received; as opposed to your friend feeling attacked right off the bat.
What do you do when a friend stops talking to you? This is a tricky subject, because there are lots of variables. First of all, look to yourself for any changes or issues you may be causing. If you are the stressor on the relationship, you need to make appropriate changes before your friendship can be mended. This is very hard for most people. It is hard to hold yourself accountable for any wrong doings, but is essential for conflict resolution. If you have done absolutely nothing wrong, and you are sure of it, it is time to look to the other party. Again, by using the proper verbiage, approach the situation with caution. “I feel confused about our friendship, and why you have stopped talking to me,” is a good way to start the conversation.
What do you do when a friend starts going down the wrong path? Maybe they begin to have problems with drugs or alcohol. Maybe they are hanging out with the wrong crowd. It is your obligation as a real friend to step in and attempt to intervene. First call of action is to carefully approach the situation one on one. Sit your friend down and express your concerns about their recent behavior. If they understand your concern, and want to fix it, great! If they are in a state on denial, the problem just got more complicated. Give them an opportunity to realize their mistakes on their own once you have sat them down and expressed your concerns. If time goes by and they continue their bad behavior, further actions should be taken. Depending on the severity of the proposed problems, you can either hold a “friend intervention,” discuss the problem with a parent or teacher, or go the tough love route. Whichever you choose, choose carefully, because this is a sensitive situation.
In order to properly resolve whatever issues you are having with your friends, you must learn from each and every experience. Learn how you would like to be approached with friendship problems, and use that to tackle future friend conflicts.
Friendship Problems
​Every once in a while a conflict arises with one of your friends. It is totally normal, and can be easily fixed with these simple conflict management tools! Whether it is just a little fight, or an issue that can result in life changing results, read these tips to better deal with your friends! 
What do you do when you feel drained from putting in all the effort into your friendship? This is a common problem amongst friends, and can easily result in the dissolution of your friendship.  The key here is communication. By expressing your feelings to your friend, he or she is put in the position of action. They will either realize their wrong doing and make an attempt to fix the problem, or they are not in fact a real friend. When approaching this situation, it is important to use the proper wording. Approach the conversation with, “I feel like” instead of  “You are…” This will be better received; as opposed to your friend feeling attacked right off the bat.
What do you do when a friend stops talking to you? This is a tricky subject, because there are lots of variables. First of all, look to yourself for any changes or issues you may be causing. If you are the stressor on the relationship, you need to make appropriate changes before your friendship can be mended. This is very hard for most people. It is hard to hold yourself accountable for any wrong doings, but is essential for conflict resolution. If you have done absolutely nothing wrong, and you are sure of it, it is time to look to the other party. Again, by using the proper verbiage, approach the situation with caution. “I feel confused about our friendship, and why you have stopped talking to me,” is a good way to start the conversation.
What do you do when a friend starts going down the wrong path? Maybe they begin to have problems with drugs or alcohol. Maybe they are hanging out with the wrong crowd. It is your obligation as a real friend to step in and attempt to intervene. First call of action is to carefully approach the situation one on one. Sit your friend down and express your concerns about their recent behavior. If they understand your concern, and want to fix it, great! If they are in a state on denial, the problem just got more complicated. Give them an opportunity to realize their mistakes on their own once you have sat them down and expressed your concerns. If time goes by and they continue their bad behavior, further actions should be taken. Depending on the severity of the proposed problems, you can either hold a “friend intervention,” discuss the problem with a parent or teacher, or go the tough love route. Whichever you choose, choose carefully, because this is a sensitive situation.
In order to properly resolve whatever issues you are having with your friends, you must learn from each and every experience. Learn how you would like to be approached with friendship problems, and use that to tackle future friend conflicts.

sakthi... :)

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